Crescent United Coalition
Drug and Alcohol Prevention in the Crescent School District, Joyce WA
You can make a difference.
The work the coalition does with education and prevention is vital to our community, and you are welcome to join us! Due to the current Covid-19 situation, we will not be meeting as a group for our monthly meeting and will update you as soon as we have a plan for how to connect.
Crescent Prevention Club "Crescent Connect"
During the fall our prevention club students identified one focus area for this school year- Connection. Connection is important because they were noticing more peers isolating themselves, people not communicating in person and spending more time online or utilizing social media, and when people don't feel connected they are more likely to engage in risky behaviors. The first step was completing the Strategic Prevention Frame Framework, which we did after watching the TedTalk on Addiction- the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, the opposite of addiction is connection. We identified activities we could do on campus to increase student connection (Cookies and Cocoa, RRW), we partnered with Hope Squad and with the Girl Scouts to complete environmental activities, and we are now working towards a collaboration with Hope Squad during Hope Week in May. If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to Melissa Thetford at (360) 510-0850
What can we do for you?
What would you be interested in seeing in our community, or from our coalition? Our mission is to unite community, students and families through positive pro-social activities and education-do you have ideas of how we can foster our mission while also inspiring our community to excellence?
Get involved with the Crescent United Coalition today. {here}