Washington State Department of Health has released a new Marijuana Prevention Campaign that highlights what teens are able to accomplish without marijuana. The You Can campaign has several videos and resources on their website. Our Coalition is proud to work with Clallam County YMPEP and the YouCan campaign on a new commercial, filming began January 2019- stay tuned for new updates!
ACES- Adverse Childhood Experiences information from the Center for Disease Control and online resources.
Adolescent Brain Development: online resources related to substance abuse prevention.
Childhood Trauma/Domestic Violence: online and local resources
National Institute on Drug Abuse: online information and resources
WA DSHS Prevention Tools
Are you looking for information on safe healthy activities for your family in our community?
Crescent United Coalition: Tuesday Mattix, Coalition Coordinator, (360) 928-3311
Youth United of Clallam County: Students participating in Crescent United Coalition can receive a Varsity letter in service for their work with the coalition and/or in the community, contact Ms. Lastovica for more information.
Prevention curriculum currently in Crescent School District:
Elementary: PAX Good Behavior Game: PAX teaches students self-regulation, self-control, and self-management in context of collaborating with others for peace, productivity, health and happiness. PAX is not a classroom management program, but it makes managing classrooms a breeze. PAX GBG is the combined science from PeaceBuilders, Good Behavior Game & other studies.
Middle School: Botvin Life Skills Training program: Rather than merely teaching information about the dangers of drug abuse, Botvin LifeSkills Training promotes healthy alternatives to risky behavior through activities designed to teach students the necessary skills to resist social (peer) pressures to smoke, drink, and use drugs, help students to develop greater self-esteem and self-confidence, enable students to effectively cope with anxiety, increase their knowledge of the immediate consequences of substance abuse and enhance cognitive and behavioral competency to reduce and prevent a variety of health risk behaviors.
Positive Action: Positive Action is based on the intuitive philosophy that we feel good about ourselves when we do positive actions. The Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle (TAF) illustrates how this works in life: our thoughts lead to actions and those actions lead to feelings about ourselves which in turn lead to more thoughts.

When this cycle is positive, students want to learn. When this cycle is negative, students do not want to learn.The essence of the program is to emphasize those actions that promote a healthy and positive cycle. The Positive Action program works through these concepts in a systematic way.
High School: Project Toward No Drug Abuse: Project TND is an effective, interactive classroom-based substance abuse prevention program that is based on more than two decades of successful research at the University of Southern California. Project TND focuses on three factors that predict tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use, violence-related behaviors, and other problem behaviors among youth, including: Motivation factors (i.e., students' attitudes, beliefs, expectations, and desires regarding drug use); Skills (effective communication, social self-control, and coping skills); and Decision-making (i.e., how to make decisions that lead to health-promoting behaviors).
Project S.U.C.C.E.S.S: Schools Using Coordinated Community Efforts to Strengthen Students: Prevention Education Series – An eight-session Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug prevention program conducted by the Project SUCCESS Counselor. Individual and Group Counseling – PROJECT SUCCESS Counselors conduct time limited individual sessions and/or group counseling at school to students following participation in the Prevention Education Series and an individual assessment. There are seven different counseling groups for students to participate in. Parent Programs – PROJECT SUCCESS includes parents as collaborative partners in prevention through parent education programs. Referral - Students and parents who require treatment, more intensive counseling, or other services are referred to appropriate agencies or practitioners in the community by their PROJECT SUCCESS counselors.