Our coalition is funded through the Division of Behavioral and Health Recovery (DBHR) Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI), and we are tasked with providing quality evidence-based programming in the school through collaboration with Olympic Educational Service District (OESD)114.
Joyce Emergency Planning and Preparation (JEPP) is a subcommittee of Joyce Fire Auxiliary, with a mission “to promote the ability of Clallam County Fire Protection District No. 4 to provide effective and efficient service in response to man-made or natural disasters.” Volunteers from JEPP have shared with both the Coalition and individual classrooms their vision for safe and prepared citizens.
Clallam County Youth Marijuana Prevention and Education Program (YMPEP), through Clallam County Health and Human Services. Contact Jenny Oppelt, Prevention Coordinator, (360) 417-2431
Joyce General Store: The Joyce General has a little bit of everything on hand for your home, car, or camping needs, and throughout the school year you can find many of our students and staff stocking up on snacks before and after school!
Crescent Community Advisory Council (CCAC): was created to enhance communication between Clallam County government and the citizens of the Crescent area. The council assists in gathering and analyzing information on growth management issues such as land use and zoning, public utility service delivery, transportation, making recommendations, and advancing the orderly growth and development of the area. Commissioner Bill Peach, District 3
Clallam County Sheriff's Department: The Clallam County Sheriff's Office is committed to providing Ethical, Quality, and Responsive Service to the community with Pride and Professionalism. (360) 417-2262