2019 Red Ribbon Week

Crescent School is participating in Red Ribbon Week for the fourth year in the row, and our students have come up with some great ways to recognize drug and alcohol prevention in our community and in our country. This year Red Ribbon Week is spread over two weeks, so beginning on Wednesday October 23rd we will pass out Red Ribbon pins for our students to wear, and then we will have some activities and games during MS/HS lunch the 24th and 25th to get students learning about the significance of RRW. The following week our Prevention Club students have selected four dress up days:
Monday, October 28th: Wear Red Day
Tuesday, October 29th: Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday, October 30th: Mismatch Day
Thursday, October 31st: Pajama Day!
Students that wear their Red Ribbon Pin each day will be entered in a drawing for some awesome sweet surprises on the 31st, so don't forget to show your support!